Overview of
Nephritic Syndrome
Characterized by inflammation in the glomeruli.
# Hematuria
# Azotemia : exessive nitrogen compounds in the blood as urea and creatinine.
Azote = nitrogen , hemia = blood.
# Oliguria.
# Hypertension.
# mild proteinurea and edema.
#1 Acute proliferative poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis:
Pathogenesis: immune comlex-mediated disorder characterized by deposition of Ab-Ag comlexes containing proteins derived from some bacteria. These comlexes lead to activiation of complement system and injury to GBM.
Morpholgy: #Hypercellularity: due to neutrophil and monocytes infiltration. ( Acute inflammation)
# Cell proliferation, mesangial ,epithelial and endothelial.
#Granular mesangial and GBM IgG and C3.
# Subendothelial humplike deposits. زي السنام
# Subendothelial humplike deposits. زي السنام
Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis. A,
Normal glomerulus. B, Glomerular hypercellularity is due to
intracapillary leukocytes and proliferation of intrinsic glomerular cells.
C, Typical electron-dense subepithelial “hump” and a neutrophil in the
lumen. D, Immunofluorescent stain demonstrates discrete, coarsly granular
deposits of complement protein C3, corresponding to “humps” illustrated in part
Clinical course: # occurs after pharyngeal or cutaneous streptococcal infection.
# Group A, B-hemolytic streptococci are nephritogenic.
# increased anti-streptococcal Ab titre. Decreased C3 concentrations.
# 95% ---> recover
# 1% ---> RPGN
# 2% ---> chronic renal failure
#2 Rapidly progrissive ( crescentic ) glomerulonephritis :
Pathogenesis: rapid and progressive reanl decline.
Type I RPGN: Anti-GBM antibody #linear IgG and C3 GBM deposits.
#can react with pulmonary alveolar BM causing hemorrage ( goodpasture syndrome )
Type II RPGN: immune-complex mediated disease
#a complication of PSGN, LUPUS or ideopathic.
#crescent formation from proliferation of parietal cells.
Type III RPGN: ANCA-associted
#No anti-GBM antibody or immune complexes.
#instead, there is anti neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody.
Crescentic glomerulonephritis (PAS stain). Note the collapsed glomerular tufts and the crescent-shaped mass of proliferating parietal epithelial cells and leukocytes internal to Bowman capsule.
Morphology (( Little Moon )) :)
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